What to expect from your consultation

Prior to the one-to-one personalised consultation you will have an initial 10 minute telephone consultation to discuss your dietary requirements.   It may be necessary to contact your GP to clarify any symptoms/medical conditions, but this will only be done with your permission.  This is especially important if you have recently been diagnosed with a long-term medical condition where the diet required may differ depending on the exact nature of the diagnosis.

One-to-one personalised consultation (one hour).  This consultation will include:

  • Clarifying issues/symptoms and medical history
  • Weighing and taking other body measurements  (if necessary)
  • Discussing your current lifestyle and dietary habits and preferences
  • Setting sustainable, realistic and achievable goals.  This will include an individually tailored eating plan which will appeal to your taste preferences and fit in with your lifestyle
  • Deciding if a follow up appointment is required to review progress or goals
  • Writing a report, with any supporting written information, which will be sent to you after the consultation
  • Sending a copy of the report to your GP, with your agreement, where a medical issue has been discussed.

A follow up appointment (30 – 45 minutes) may be recommended to help monitor your progress and address any issues that have arisen following your one-to one consultation.

Flexible consultation schedules are available to suit your individual needs.